About Dave

I am a determined and hard-working developer who loves coding because the learning never ends. Whether building a previous career as a public educator, writing and self-publishing my first book, training for and competing in multiple half- and full-marathons, or going from 0 to 60 in an intense 13-week coding bootcamp, I enjoy identifying new challenges and growing from them.

I approach my work with a visceral desire and unwavering determination to help my team succeed. By doing so, I find great satisfaction in the process of failing forward together.


As a badged graduate of DevMountain, I have demonstrated proficiency with the following skills through assessments and through creating both personal and group projects using the following technologies:

  • React | Redux
  • RESTful APIs
  • JavaScript (ES6)
  • HTML5 / CSS3 / SASS
  • NodeJS
  • NPM
  • Express
  • Massive
  • PostgreSQL
  • Git | GitHub


Screenshot of project landing page

TheNorthFace.com Site Clone

★ Awarded "Best Overall/Most-Shippable" Personal Project

(DevMountain - August, 2017)

I created this functional, responsive, full-stack website in just two weeks using React with Redux, JavaScript, CSS, NodeJS, PostgreSQL, and more.
(Project Site | Video Walkthrough | Presentation)

Screenshot of project landing page

Non-Profit Site Upgrade

(DevMountain - September, 2017)

Served as lead front-end developer on this functional site upgrade focusing on React, JavaScript, CSS Flexbox, and more.
(Project Site | Video Walkthrough)

Screenshot of cloned Uber landing page

SASS Homepage Gallery

(Personal - October, 2017)

Personal project to teach myself SASS by cloning an assortment of popular website homepages featuring intricate design features.
(Project Site | Video Walkthrough)

Codewars logo

100+ Codewars Challenges

(Personal - November, 2017)

A GitHub repo of 100+ Codewars Kata I completed, demonstrating my understanding of various JavaScript concepts

Contact Me

I invite you to email me using the contact form below. You are also welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter, view my recent coding activity on GitHub, and download my resume using the icons found at the bottom of the navigation sidebar.